

LBRY is the first digital marketplace to be controlled by the market's participants rather than a corporation or other 3rd-party. It is the most open, fair, and efficient marketplace for digital goods ever created, with an incentive design encouraging it to become the most complete.

At the highest level, LBRY does something extraordinarily simple. LBRY creates an association between a unique name and a piece of digital content, such as a movie, book, or game. This is similar to the domain name system that you are most likely using to access this very post.

However, LBRY does this not through a proprietary service or network, but as a protocol, or a method of doing things, much like HTTP, DNS and other specifications that make up the internet itself. Just as many different domains owned by many different companies all speak a shared language, so too can any person or company speak LBRY. No special access or permission is needed.

LBRY develops in three fundamental planes:

  1. Coupled payment and access. If desired, the person who publishes to lbry://rhapsody-film#e1029aaa08bef8e9225efcbfb94a895e9bbdc8ea can charge a fee to users that view the content.
  2. Decentralized and distributed. Content published to LBRY is not specific to one computer or network, making LBRY robust to failure and disruption.
  3. Community controlled. No party other than the publisher (including us) can unilaterally remove or block content on the LBRY network.

While creating a protocol that we ourselves cannot control sounds chaotic, it is actually about establishing trust. Every other publishing system requires trusting an intermediary that can unilaterally change the rules on you. What happens when you build your business on YouTube or Amazon and they change fees? Or Apple drops your content because the Premier of China thought your comedy went too far?

Only LBRY consists of a known, promised set of rules that no one can unilaterally change. LBRY provides this by doing something unique: leaving the users in control rather than demanding that control for itself.

The lbry platform is integrated with Odyssey, a popular decentralized video hosting application for posting and monetizing video content.


How it works

Let's look at a sample use of LBRY, Ernest releasing a film on LBRY that is later purchased and viewed by Hillary.

  1. Ernest wants to release his comedy-horror film, Ernie Runs For President.
  2. The content is encrypted and sliced into many pieces. These pieces are stored by hosts.
  3. Ernest reserves lbry://ernieruns, a name pointing to his content.
  4. When Ernest reserves the location, he also submits metadata, such as a description and thumbnail.
  5. Hillary, a user, opens her browser, searches the LBRY network, and decides she wants to watch the film.