<aside> 💡 Happy Friday yall

We are excited to announce the release of the new version of YPP which has been just deployed, this release post contains all the details!

The key features

Stats for the last week are available below


Channels Count Total verified channels 726 ****(+20; +2.8%) Total YT subscribers count 16.2 mln (+1.1mln; +7.2%)

Signed up vs Verified 119 channels signed up in total (62 by referral - 52%)

20 Verified (14 by referral) 89 Suspended 1 Opted out


Total videos synced - 725 Sync rewards - 829 USD Sign up rewards 510 USD Referral rewards - 168 USD

Weekly payout = 1507 USD

Exchange rate 0.038058

Weekly payout in JOY = 39,571 k Total payout to date in JOY: 6.3 mln ~ $240k USD

<aside> 💡 Statistics are getting too big to publish as an open table so please see the attached CSV with individual payouts

