<aside> 💡 Payout details are below


Channels Total number of active verified participants in YPP program 13,310 records.

Sign up Rewards Sign up rewards - 183 USD

Referrals Referral rewards - 81 USD

Sync Sync rewards - 747 **USD

Branded and Original Content Sync** Applications been collected. Participating channels will be invited for Beta test within the next few weeks.

New Discord Joiners

Cleansing waters - Channel ID 49817 Got chosen for the best intro Link

⚠️ Reminder: Introduce yourself in the Intros Discord channel and share the link to your Gleev channel page. Five best intros per weeks are rewarded!

Twitter Promos

CryptoBullseye - ChannelID 25965 - 10 USD LiteLiger - 26072 - 10 USD GaToMania - ChannelID 55298 - 10 USD ZaidLashari - ChannelID confirmation pending 140IQyum- ChannelID confirmation pending

Shared NFTs

No qualifying posts this week.

****⚠️ Reminder: ****Share NFT from Gleev on social media of your choice and drop the link to the Shared NFTs channel to qualify for rewards.

Shared CRTs

Fiquei Rico - Channel ID 43600 link - 50 USD

Total Total channels paid = 344 (+2 pending channel IDs)

Exchange rate = $0.01211 ****Weekly payout in JOY = 83,484 JOY + 8257 JOY (Social Promos) = 91,741 JOY Weekly payout = 1,111 USD

Total payout to date in JOY: 10,4 million