This page shows a cross-section of Youtube channel connections to Gleev in the period from February 12, 2024 to February 18, 2024.

Distribution of YPP Sign up by day:

Date YPP Channels Number of videos Unverified channels
12.02.2024 55 3896 0
13.02.2024 35 6123 0
14.02.2024 36 3434 0
15.02.2024 31 5765 0
16.02.2024 40 7159 0
17.02.2024 75 9952 0
18.02.2024 2 114 123
Total 274 36443 123

Number of Reffered

Only 20 referral through which the new author came does not have his own channel in Gleev.

72 referral links attracted 177 authors who created the channel. The remaining 97 authors did not use referral links during this period.

Number of referred

Referrals and invitees

Number of referred in this period:

Referred Number of channels % of channels
Reffered 177 64.60%

Channels rejected for reasons:

Copyright infringement, misleading content, channels that grossly violate terms of service, purchased subscribers, comments and views increased through bots or channels.

Status Reason of Rejected Number of channels % of channels
Rejected Copyright Breach 18 6.57%
Rejected Program Terms Exploit 87 31.75%
105 38.32%

Distribution by YPP type:

Status Number of channels % of channels
Bronze 153 55.84%
Silver 8 2.92%
Gold 5 1.82%
Opted Out 3 1.09%

Distribution by type:


Youtube subscribers distributed by channel type:

If you replace the average indicators with the median, the graph will not change due to the fact so much.