This page shows a cross-section of Youtube channel connections to Gleev in the period from March 3th, 2023 to October 25, 2023.

Distribution of YPP Sign up by day:

Date YPP Channels
March 2
April 19
May 32
June 114
July 170
August 935
September 1102
October 3658
Total 6032

Number of referred in this period:

Referred Number of channels % of channels
Reffered 4410 73.11%

Channels rejected for reasons: Copyright infringement, misleading content, channels that grossly violate terms of service, purchased subscribers, comments and views increased through bots or channels.

Status Number of channels % of channels
Rejected 1780 29.51%

Distribution by YPP type:

Status Number of channels % of channels
Bronze 3421 56.71%
Silver 252 4.18%
Gold 142 2.35%
Diamond 31 5.34%


Youtube subscribers distributed by channel type:


Number of videos distributed by channel type: