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Step 1 - Select Lead account

Step 2 - Choose name of working group

Step 3 - Choose vestedspendfrombudget extrinsic

Step 4 - Put the wallet address to receive vested payment

Step 5 - Put in amount to be vested, in HAPI (use for conversion)

Step 6 - Amount to be released perblock. (in HAPI)

14,400 (daily blocks) x 365 (days) = 5,256,000 (Use formula to get for the desired number of days, months, years)

Amount per block = Amount in JOY/Total block (eg. 240,000 JOY / 5,256,000 = 0.0456621) convert result to HAPI using

Step 7 - Choose a starting block in future, use to see latest blocks

Step 8 - Turn ON include rationale option and input rationale for transaction

Step 9 - Sign and submit transaction