For this step I created 3 Bounties. The first one I canceled
The second is in the Working Period now, which is set for 5 hours. I set Judgement Period to less than a minute, so I decided to create another Bounty with more suitable Judgement Period**.** Here it is:
During Bounty creation, I had several issues.
The first issue is about cover photo. It should be 800x450 px according to the description. I uploaded images in JPG format size 800x450. Tried 2 sites: and The images are not visible, looks like this:
The second issue is that minimum Entrant stake is 1000 Joy according to description, but with this amount “Next Step” button is unclickable. It needs to be set to 1001 to be able to proceed.
The third issue is that I assigned jen4ph as an oracle, but on the Bounty page the Oracle was me (while on the list of Bounties page it was jen4ph).
Strangely, it changed later (don’t know at what stage), so if you open the same page now you will see jen4ph as an oracle:
While Bounty is in Working Period, I can’t see the works submitted. I thought that they are visible only after the beginning of Judgement Period.
Also, the very strange and inconvenient thing is this:
It shows full length of periods, not the time remained, which is very inconvenient.
On the screenshot above numbers also do not change, which is an obvious bug, because there is a text “Time Left”, not “Period Length”
So, the Judgement Period has begun, but I still can’t see submitted work