Term Start: 0x0873bcf6b22030b380e66499d91a101d1d7f87b7c9009f4f99b5ee4c824ba104 (block number 345601) Term End: 0xe1b4bacaf14aa422d9d9e6caf88f66f55dde4878ff9fb8ddb4d608a49f65188f (block number 561602)
Budget at the start of the term: 0
Budget refilled during the term: Proposal #29 41,667 JOY #36 83,333 JOY #40 83,333 JOY total 208,333 JOY
Lead rewards: 41,666 JOY
Workers rewards: 54,645 JOY
Budget at the end of the term: 112,021 JOY
lead : chaos77
devs (5) : l1dev, freakstatic, lkskrn, gyroflaw, mkblockchaindev
QA testers (2) : ivant, polikosi