HR Working Group Report for Term 18

Council: Chaos77 Jen4ph Igrex


HR has exhibited remarkable dedication towards assigned tasks, particularly as the term progressed. The team's commitment to executing the group's plan became even more evident in the latter half of the term. In a bid to enhance workflow and efficiency, we welcomed a new team member, @Vikan who seamlessly integrated into the group, thanks to his wealth of experience.

Our "Weekly Summary" task has been progressing smoothly, and we've witnessed substantial improvements over the past week. Special appreciation goes to @0x2bc, who has been an invaluable asset in handling the technical aspects of the weekly summary, a role he will continue until the process becomes automated.

One noteworthy accomplishment is HR's contribution to streamlining the profile update process, which was discussed here. Our efforts resulted in an impressive 32 out of 48 workers updating their data, constituting a significant 66.67% of our entire workforce. This achievement is detailed here and marks a successful milestone.

In addition to this, we've made strides in optimizing Joystream’s Notion workspace management. We have narrowed down the list of members requiring editing rights on Notion from 75 to just 15 seats, excluding JSG members. This efficient restructuring promises better control and drastically reduce expenditure.

Furthermore, in recognition of outstanding contributions, we've rewarded 2 out of 3 active members who received recognition in Term 17 during this term. This gesture involved allocating $1,000 out of the budgeted $1,500 $JOY.

The team’s unwavering commitment and effective execution have played a pivotal role in our accomplishments thus far, setting the stage for continued success.

Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary

Name Position Salary
Codefikeyz Lead 0.19 Joy per block
Vikan Coordinator 0.05 Joy per block (Desc. spending)
spat_sochi Coordinator 0.05 Joy per block
MayorTee Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Genius Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block

Working Group Term Budget

Start Term Budget: 23,327 JOY

JOY Refilled: 193,000 JOY

Workers Rewards: 42,538 JOY

Lead Rewards: 24,624 JOY

Discretionary Spending: 50,624 JOY

End-Term Budget: 98,540 JOY

Total spending: 117,786 JOY