HR Working Group Report for Term 17

Council: @l1dev @Jen4ph @swasilenko


I have hired one worker for the position of DAO Coordinator in this term. While he is getting trained and performing various tasks of the HR group to get a better understanding of the job tasks, in the 18th term I will assign him specific tasks and list them here.

We are continuing to work on compiling the Weekly Summary. For this task, I have added two HR workers and created a guide for gathering data for the report. The guys did an excellent job with the assignment. @0x2bc is still helping us with the technical aspects of the report.

The HR department continued to work on the research in this term.

In this term, dmtrmltsv also requested HR's help to support the YPP users on YPP -support in the Discord. Therefore, HR was made aware of the new task and the necessary materials to answer users' questions accurately. We are continuing to work on this task in the coming term.

HR continues to gather FAQ from experienced specialists in order to improve community support and provide quick and quality responses.

Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary

Name Position Salary
Mariia Lead 0.19 Joy per block
Codefikeyz Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
spat_sochi* Coordinator 0.05 Joy per block
MayorTee Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Genius Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block

*After the trial period, which ends on September 4th, the reward will be increased and will amount to 0.07 Joy per block.

Working Group Term Budget

Start Term Budget: 9,245 JOY

JOY Refilled: 108,139 JOY

Workers Rewards: 38,524 JOY

Lead Rewards: 41,240 JOY

Discretionary Spending: 14,293 JOY

End-Term Budget: 23,327 JOY

Total spending: 94,057 JOY