HR Working Group Report for Term 16

Council: @leet_joy @0x2bc @l1dev


This term had many new tasks that posed challenges.

At first, the quiz was cancelled due to its ineffectiveness. More details here Afterward, HR conducted a small survey into the activities carried out on other servers by different projects. I also had a conversation with Kate who is currently working on another project as a community manager; she provided me with lots of interesting ideas that could be used in Joystream.

During this term I worked on preparing the Weekly Summary format. After making all the necessary adjustments and getting the approval from the Council, it will become a permanent task for the HR group. This time, I prepared it myself with James' help, with a lot of help). Next time, I plan to divide the task between all the HR workers, as it is quite a burdensome work to do on one's own.

In this term I also helped write a text for the new Discord Role Bot and we as a HR group tested the Bot. I hope that soon we will see the bot in action)

For this term, Bedeho has also proposed to conduct a research on the topic of 'Where Newcomers Learned About Joystream' and to reward them with a small amount of money for their answers. We have just started fulfilling this task. At the moment I am using the leftover budget of the unspent money on the Quiz that was canceled. However, to continue this research I need to have the budget for this task approved. What I plan to do about it for the 17th term Plan.

In this term I created a Forum thread FAQ, where HR can post answers to popular community questions, particularly of a technical nature, which can be hard to answer sometimes. I plan that this will help community managers to know more about the technical details and will also contribute to faster responses to community questions on the Discord and Telegram channel.

HR continues to hold daily meetings as well. I'm glad that every day we have new people from different working groups joining us, so we can discuss work-related matters, share our problems, find solutions together, and overall strengthen the team spirit. Special thanks to Chaos for suggesting connecting with his colleague Magda and conversing with her to better introduce her to the community. It's a great idea to invite workers, not just Leads, to the daily meetings.

Since there were many new tasks this term, I unfortunately could not find the time to take on activities for the DAO. So I hope that this task will be realized in the new term.

Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary

Name Position Salary
Mariia Lead 0.19 Joy per block
Codefikeyz Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
MayorTee Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Genius Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block

Working Group Term Budget

Start Term Budget: 9.408 JOY

JOY Refilled: 91.539 JOY

Workers Rewards: 36.899 JOY

Lead Rewards: 41.240 JOY

Discretionary Spending: 13.564 JOY

End-Term Budget: 9.408 JOY

Total spending: 91.539 JOY