HR Working Group Report for Term 15
Council: @leet_joy @0x2bc @l1dev
No mid-term meeting was held this term due to the delays of the Council's and WG plans.
In this term, we had a trial meeting with the Content Worker, Omer, where we discussed the tasks of the content workers, working points, and most importantly, the great ideas that Omer shared with us. The link is here - In the current term, I will try to connect with members of other teams and hold a meeting.
HR also conducted a Fireside with Council candidates, which allowed participants to share their ideas and have a chance to gain DAO votes. I should remind that Fireside with Council candidates hadn't been held since the listing, and only now we've managed to attract several candidates to this event. The link is here -
At 15 terms, 3 workers were hired for the Storage Group, and another participant applied for the position of Storage Worker and is awaiting the approval of the Leader.
Two quizzes were conducted as scheduled.
Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary
Name | Position | Salary |
Mariia | Lead | 0.19 Joy per block |
Codefikeyz | Coordinator | 0.07 Joy per block |
MayorTee | Community Manager | 0.05 Joy per block |
Genius | Community Manager | 0.05 Joy per block |
Start Term Budget: 13.259 JOY
JOY Refilled: 84,239 JOY
Workers Rewards: 36 899 JOY
Lead Rewards: 41 240 JOY
Discretionary Spending: 9.951 JOY
End-Term Budget: 9.408 JOY