HR Working Group Report for Term 14

Council: @leet_joy @0x2bc @l1dev


Two discussion threads were created on the forum:

HR has started to publish daily news, now we will do this at the same time every day at 10 CET time. I think this may create a habit of people expecting news and develop a habit of them reading it. This is a small experiment.

One worker fired: Vladiccck has been terminated 04.07.2023. Currently, the HR WG consists of 4 workers, including the HR Lead.

The HR team is continuing to collect data regarding the daily influx of newcomers and highlighting those who are particularly active with the goal of inviting them to participate in the quiz and other activities.

Unfortunately, no fireside chat was held with the candidates for the Council in this term. None of the candidates confirmed their participation.

Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary

Name Position Salary
Mariia Lead 0.19 Joy per block
Codefikeyz Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
MayorTee Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Genius Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block

Working Group Term Budget

Start Term Budget: 17.439 JOY

JOY Refilled: 83.360 JOY

Workers Rewards: 35.886 JOY

Lead Rewards: 46.428 JOY

Discretionary Spending: 7.625 JOY