Term 13 Plan (17.06.23 - 02.07.23)

1. Current WG composition:

2. Planned WG budget:

Regular workers salaries: 8 * 11,660 JOY = 93,280 JOY

Monitoring worker salary: 3,000 JOY

Lead salary: 41,040 JOY

Total spending: 137,320 JOY

3. WG OKRs:

No. Objectives Status Key Results Term initiatives
1 Improve logs collection setup In progress 1) Grant SWG access to Elasticsearch - done
  1. Implement a more resilient Elasticsearch setup | 2.1) Migrate Elasticsearch from a single node to a 2-node cluster | | 2 | Introduce video loading and bandwidth monitoring | In progress | 1) Implement basic bandwidth monitoring for images - in progress
  2. Enhance request tracing - in progress
  3. Introduce video bandwidth monitoring - to be done
  4. Collect and analyze data over a few days to instruct further initiatives - to be done | 1.1) Develop changes to the monitoring setup to enable image downloading and collect statistics 1.2) Include bandwidth statistics in the monitoring dashboard 2.1) Wait for Argus PR fixes and re-test: https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/pull/4779 | | 3 | Introduce node system-level monitoring | New | 1) Introduce monitoring of operators system resources | 1.1) Prepare instructions for setting up MetricBeat 1.2) Ask all operators to apply the instructions |

Term 13 Report (17.06.23 - 02.07.23)

1. Current WG composition: