HR Working Group Report for Term 13

Council: @leet_joy @0x2bc @Hanzo Hazashi


The 13th term became the most difficult period for HR work. Before the listing, there was a large influx of newcomers, I received more than three requests to apply to the Storage and Distribution Group. After the listing, the situation changed drastically. As a result, the group faced sudden changes: we got lots of hate on Discord and Telegram channels, and people who wanted to apply for positions eventually refused. Also, the absence of the group leader had an impact on the group's work.

The number of participants in the quiz decreased by 2.6 times compared to the previous quiz.

The fireside chat was canceled, with none of the Council confirming their attendance.

In any case, HR continues to support activity and carry out all events regardless of the number of participants.

Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary

Name Position Salary
Jen4ph* Lead 0.19 Joy per block
Mariia Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
Codefikeyz Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
MayorTee Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Genius Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Vladdick** HR Worker 0.05 Joy per block

*24.06.23 Jen4ph stepped down from her role as HR Lead.

**Since the activity of newcomers has decreased in the 13th term, as soon as the HR Lead is hired, HR plans to fire one worker - Vladdick.

Working Group Term Budget

Start Term Budget: 64,673 JOY

JOY Refilled: 60,000 JOY

Workers Rewards: 62 945 JOY

Lead Rewards: 41 240 JOY

Discretionary Spending: 3 050 JOY

End-Term Budget: 17,439 JOY