HR Working Group Report for Term 12

Council: @leet_joy @l1dev @0x2bc


Term 12 was quite full of activities and engagements for HR and also for the DAO. HR working group has organized/assisted at least 5 activities: 2 Sunday quizzes, 1 workshop, and 2-3 calls relating to elections and governance meetings. It was not easy for the group since the team was not used to doing this before. We also tried to provide documentation of all the said activities from written to audio and video recording.

In terms of community management, we also had a massive number of newcomers who came to Discord and Telegram - HR tried to welcome and give support to them in a timely manner and moderate the channels by removing unnecessary messages on some channels on Discord and TG as well. In the beginning of the term, the population of Discord is at 5,378 and by the end we are at ~15,500, or 187% increase. On the DAO side, currently, we have 60 people from council members to working group workers. There were 2 additional workers in the DAO

On the recruitment side, we’ve done job posting both internally by posting the vacancies from time to time and externally as well on different platforms.

Facilitations of elections. INfo dissemination welcoming newcomers

Current Group Composition and Current WG Salary

Name Position Salary
Jen4ph Lead 0.19 Joy per block
Mariia Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
Codefikeyz Coordinator 0.07 Joy per block
MayorTee Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Genius Community Manager 0.05 Joy per block
Vladdick HR Worker 0.05 Joy per block

Hiring. As there was an influx of newcomers due to several Marketing campaigns and initiatives, HR hired one more worker this term.

Working Group Term Budget

Start Term Budget: 77,915.4 Joy

JOY Refilled: 114,080 Joy

Workers Rewards: 52,094 Joy

Lead Rewards: 41240 Joy

Discretionary Spending: 25,800 Joy

End-Term Budget: 64,673 Joy

Total spending: 119,134 Joy

**Discretionary spending includes the payment for the 2 rounds of quizzes and rewards for the community members who showed active participation and engagement during Term 11. Additional rewards have been sent to HR workers as well for their dedication at work by showing up every day and working. Please see the third table for more info