Term 10 Plan (03.05.23 - 18.05.23)

1. Current WG composition:

2. Planned WG budget:

Planned spending: up to 93,510 JOY

Comment: Details can be found in the funding proposal

3. Term OKRs:

No. Objectives Key Results Initiatives
1 Establish clear lines and rules of communication with all the workers 1) Page in Notion created with all the workers and their preferred ways of communication. 1) Contact all current workers and collect
their info. 2) Create a page in Notion with all the info.
2 Analyze current distribution usage 1) We will know whether current 9 distribution nodes is too much/too
little to support our usage. 2) We will have a better idea on where the
nodes should be located. 1) Set up Elasticsearch to collect
metrics from all the distributors. 2) Ask all the workers to use
Elasticsearch so metrics are collected.
3 Clean up distribution families/buckets setup 1) All the families<->buckets<->operators make sense and
represent reality. 1) Write down all the
current location<->family associations. 2) Figure out if the list
makes sense. 3) If not, come up with a plan on how to update it.
4 Analyze performance and availability of nodes 1) We have real-time monitoring of all the nodes and can see if one of them stops working without running any manual tests. 1) Write a tool that periodically pings
all the nodes and collects metrics about their responses. 2) Set up a DB to hold all the metrics. 3) Set up Grafana or something alike to
visualize metrics.

Term 10 Report (03.05.23 - 18.05.23)

1. Current WG composition: