🗨 Scope of Work 3:
- [x] Objective:
Create a set of moderation rules
- Weight:
- Notes:
- As for any forum, some moderation is likely required.
- Propose a moderation policy, if approved by the Council, add a (sticky) thread about it, and add it to the notion space.
- Separate between removing posts for censorship purposes, and moving a thread to the “correct” category.
- Scoring Calculations
🗨 Scope of Work 4:
- [x] Objective:
Create a howto guide for Forum Workers
- Weight:
- Notes:
- Until now, the Joystream “howto” guides in general has been available in the helpdesk. The Forum WG is brand new, so not really applicable, but we are moving away from this, and want guides hosted in the groups notion space.
- They also need some updates
- Unlike the other SoW, this will be graded subjectively.
- Scoring Calculations:
- Create a user friendly “landing page”, that explains:
- the purpose of the role
- the tools required
- how to apply for the role
- other relevant information and links
- a visual of the current category structure, and the philosophy behind it
- a visual of the (imagined future) category structure, and the philosophy behind it
- Add the technical instructions required for working as a Forum Lead/Worker, basically explain/example for all cli commands
- how to create/delete/update categories
- how to “sticky” threads
- how to moderate