Activity Summary

This week our Working Group served indeed purpose and deliver all the tasks which we plan.

What we’ve done:

Forum statistics

How many threads were created 211
How many threads were deleted 2
How many posts were created 46
How many posts were deleted 24
How many posts exists* 1857

*Value obtained by running the following query:

query AllExistingPosts($councilEndTimeStamp: DateTime!) {
  forumPosts(limit: 100000, where: {createdAt_lte: $councilEndTimeStamp}) {

  "councilEndTimeStamp": 1657673292000

Statistics for each Category

How many threads exist in each Category?

How many threads were created during the last scoring period?

Category Total Threads Created During Last Term
Bounties 350 83
Content Creators 16 0
Validators 37 35
Discussions 23 1
Help & Support 10 0
Creatives 84 72
Marketing 9 0
Bounty Suggestions 8 0
Finished Bounties 52 1
Council Reports 56 5
Budget 4 0
Pre-Proposal Discussion 31 4
Problems & Failures 1 0
Governance 0 0
Development 9 0
Atlas Feedback 3 3
Education 25 0
Grants/Funding 0 0
Lounge 3 0
Working Groups 2 0
Forum Working Group 48 3
Content Working Group 52 4
Builders Working Group 36 2
Storage Providers Working Group 43 4
Marketing Working Group 49 4
Distribution Working Group 49 4
HR Working Group 47 3
Forum Structure 0 0

How many posts exist in each Category?