Activity Summary

This week our Working Group served indeed purpose and deliver all the tasks which we plan.

What we’ve done:

Forum statistics

How many threads were created 39
How many threads were deleted 1
How many posts were created 37
How many posts were deleted 11

Statistic for each Category

How many threads exists in each Category?

How many threads was created during the last scoring period?

Category Total Threads Creating During Term
Bounties 72 9
Content Creators 4 0
Validators 1 0
Discussions 18 0
Help & Support 12 2
Creatives 11 2
Marketing 4 1
Bounty Suggestions 1 0
Finished Bounties 2 0
Council Reports 21 3
Budget 4 1
Pre-Proposal Discussion 14 0
Problems & Failures 1 0
Governance 0 0
Development 4 1
Atlas Feedback 0 0
Education 0 0
Grants/Funding 0 0
Lounge 2 0
Working Groups 0 0
Forum Working Group 19 3
Content Working Group 19 1
Builders Working Group 19 2
Storage Providers Working Group 15 3
Marketing Working Group 23 5
Distribution Working Group 13 3
HR Working Group 22 3
Forum Structure 0 0

Charts showing the forum history over time

Threads and posts made since genesis


A summary of all forum (except regular posting) transactions made by the group, who made it, and why, eg.

Moderation of threads

Thread ID Made by Reason Block
320 secret_girl test thread 1343035
321 secret_girl test thread 1343042
322 secret_girl test thread 1343046
326 secret_girl duplicate 1380071
327 secret_girl duplicate 1380077

Moderation of posts