Activity Summary

Forum statistics

How many threads were created 27
How many threads were deleted 1
How many posts were created 19
How many posts were deleted 0

Statistic for each Category

How many threads exists in each Category?

How many threads was created during the last scoring period?

Category Total Threads Creating During Term
Bounties 52 8
Content Creators 3 0
Validators 1 0
Discussions 16 2
Help & Support 7 0
Creatives 0 0
Marketing 2 0
Bounty Suggestions 1 0
Finished Bounties 1 0
Council Reports 12 3
Budget 2 1
Pre-Proposal Discussion 7 3
Problems & Failures 1 0
Governance 0 0
Development 1 1
Atlas Feedback 0 0
Education 0 0
Grants/Funding 0 0
Lounge 1 1
Working Groups 0 0
Forum Working Group 10 1
Content Working Group 12 2
Builders Working Group 10 1
Storage Providers Working Group 6 0
Marketing Working Group 11 2
Distribution Working Group 6 1
HR Working Group 12 1
Forum Structure 0 0

Charts showing the forum history over time

Threads and posts made since genesis


A summary of all forum (except regular posting) transactions made by the group, who made it, and why, eg.

Moderation of threads

Thread ID Made by Reason Block
198 secret_girl test thread 1030539
201 secret_girl test thread 1033041

Moderation of posts

Post ID Made by Reason Block