Date Name Bounty template id On-chain id Created Funded Was created for Oracle Working period length Funded, tJOY Spent, tJOY
June 7 Timely greeting of newcomers in the welcome channel 66 adovrn adovrn Viktor_ adovrn 100800 blocks (Until ≈ 14 Jun 2022, 14:32) 504000
June 7 Write 500 words on “What is the importance of DAOs?” 67 adovrn adovrn VICKEY#2582 adovrn 57600 blocks (Until ≈ 11 Jun 2022, 18:30) 225000
June 7 Distributor Node Quality Checks - 1 68 adovrn adovrn Quintin adovrn 115200 blocks (Until ≈ 15 Jun 2022, 23:42) 5000000
June 8 Timely greeting of newcomers in the welcome channel 70 adovrn adovrn tho_secondlive adovrn 100800 blocks (Until ≈ 15 Jun 2022, 12:12) 504000
June 8 Create 10 tweets for Joystream’s twitter account 71 adovrn adovrn vikan#4315 adovrn 28800 blocks (Until ≈ 10 Jun 2022, 21:06) 187500
Name (Link) Funded, tJOY Spent, tJOY Oracle Created Working period length The last work was submitted It has been judged Participant qualifying for the mainnet JOY Reward, tJOY
Update Validation Copy On "Create WGL Opening" Proposal 400000 400000 adovrn 06/04/2022, 05:28 PM GMT+3 1,045,691 on OLYMPIA network 43200 blocks (Until ≈ 07 Jun 2022, 17:26) 06/07/2022, 02:54pm GMT+3 1,087,290 on OLYMPIA network 06/07/2022, 06:51pm GMT+3 1,089,659 on OLYMPIA network
Total: 400000

400000 tJOY will be taken from the group's budget