<aside> 👉🏻 Provide quality values for bandwidth and latency (TTFB) accross geographical regions for which we are having sufficient traffic, keeping the cost of operation minimal.
The “keeping the cost of operation minimal” section details how the DWG tries to minimize operational expenditure. The “Measuring methodology” section aims to provide definitions in what we mean by “quality values for bandwidth and latency” and “geographical region with sufficient traffic”.
A small observation first:
<aside> 💡 The DWG group is pretty stable in term of performance, so it doesn’t make sense to have lots of OKRs. Much of the risk lies in the operator responsiveness and competence
The synthetic data support this, as we are observing excellent values for Download speed and Latency from the synthetic data ping location. This also mean that I am not planning on removing operator locations currently.
Given the above sections I can state the OKR
We will measure the Latency and Bandwidth value according to the “Measuring Methodology” section and we will compare results according to the “How to compare result with SpeedTest” section.
t = 30
days time window then the OKR is reached at 100% (meaning: good values for Latency and Bandwidth for June 2024)