KR-1.1 [Distributors] Ensure median bandwidth > 20 Mbps and median TTFB < 350 ms for all deployment locations (across multiple tests).
(1) Deployment locations: N. Virginia, Sao Paolo, Madrid, Mumbai, Jakarta, Seoul. (2) Cached assets only consider for testing (3) Synthetic tests details
KR-1.2 [Storage] Maintain percentage of lost objects 0%. Maintain percentage of unaccepted objects < 1%. Maintain a replication rate of 4 for all objects. Maintain an average node availability of 99.9%
Introduce tools to indicate the operational status of a node
Implement SubSquid
Conduct periodic benchmarking of the storage infrastructure
Establish authentication between Argus and Colossus, including storage authentication on the consumer side: design specification which will cover user download, and node-to-node authentication (previous work “Standardise Argus
access policy signals in metadata”)
Add support for block storage (prototype)
Fix Colossus timeout issues
KR-1.3 [Builders] Atlas SDK: development of functional design specification