In connection with the OKR on Q4 Video "NFT total trading volume at the end of the 4th quarter is 1,000,000 JOY Promote NFT trade among content creators" this interim report has been created.

NFT sales

upd. 07.12.2023

Term Sellings, Joy Total Bid Selling through auctions, Joy Total sellings Total amount of trade
Term 02 3370 3 2 2 3 372
Term 03 16917 6 40099 9 57 016
Term 04 41581 8 99 1 41 680
Term 05 1780 4 1693 8 3 473
Term 06 51 3 893 2 944
Term 08 2392 9 1891 5 4 283
Term 09 17 1 26 2 43
Term 11 100 1 7100 5 7 200
Term 12 107868 15 173.5 6 108 042
Term 13 6318 5 9700 7 16 018
Term 14 2300 2 500 1 2 800
Term 17 23819 8 100 1 23 919
Term 18 512 9 3905 6 4 417
Term 19 795 6 0 0 795
Term 20 1500 2 27400 3 28 900
Term 21 1050 1 9735.2 10 10 785
Term 22 74 1 4747.1 12 4 821
Term 23 30040 3 386 6 30 426
348 933


Brief summary

NFT Reward Program is valid from the 18th term. After the 20th deadline, there is a slight increase in the value of recent auction amounts and the number of completed NFT auctions. The value of successful sales will be even lower. Ybp[jlzobq trend shows that the trend is not sufficient to meet this OKR for the 4th quarter. There is a very high probability that the goal will not be achieved. It is also highly doubtful that the NFT Scheme program works, since the different values seem to be random. I propose to discontinue the rewards program.