
It is proposed to introduce a reward scheme for NFT videos that will stimulate creativity, quantity and quality of content in the community. Within this framework, we propose the following approach:

  1. Purpose and Principles: The creation of the reward scheme aims to encourage the creative process and attract quality content. The main principles include assessing the quality, originality, and relevance of submitted NFT videos.
  2. Regularity of the Rewards Cycle: The scheme will be implemented in the format of reward cycles within each term. Up to 10 best NFT videos will be judged and awarded for each term.
  3. Evaluation Process: NFT video evaluation will be conducted by a group of curators collegially. The panel will evaluate the quality of animation, video editing, originality and overall aesthetics of the content.
  4. Evaluation Criteria: When evaluating an NFT video, the panel will consider the following criteria (not necessarily all-inclusive): • Quality: Technical aspects such as resolution, audio quality and visual refinement. • Originality: The uniqueness of the concept and approach to content creation. • Significance: The content value of the content to the audience and society as a whole. Perhaps humor.
  5. Video Length and Type Limits: To maintain quality content and ensure the participation of a wide range of creators, the reward scheme applies to NFT videos between 5 seconds and 20 minutes in length.
  6. Rewards: The top 10 NFT videos selected during the evaluation will be awarded with a financial reward of up to 2000 Joy/term per video. The amount of the reward will also depend on the total budget allocated to each term.
  7. Public Presentation: At the end of each term there will be a public presentation of the best NFTs on Discord and some NFTs will be added to the featured section of Gleev and the winners will be awarded. Also, with the participation of the Marketing Group, the best NFTs will be published on Twitter Joystrem DAO and, with the help of the HR group, will be published in Weekly Roundup reports. It will also give creators the opportunity to get feedback and learn from the audience. The creation of such a reward scheme for NFT video will bring together the best creative minds, support diversity of content, and reward the high quality of productions, contributing to the development of Joystream digital art.
