How to withdraw vested lead salary from the WG budget:

  1. First you need to withdraw the desired funds from your WG budget to your account without vesting, using group.spendFromBudget. You should provide rationale and make the payment to your lead reward account. In polkadot-js the amount for this extrinsic is in HAPI so use joyutils to convert.
  2. Once you have the funds in your account, you should use vesting.vestedTransfer to apply the vesting schedule. To keep things clear I have sent the payment from my reward account to my reward account (self). As locked you need to put the full payment amount, but in JOY, not HAPI. For me it's 227k JOY as specified in the plan. Then perBlock determines how long the vesting will take, this is also in JOY, not HAPI. I'm applying 1yr vesting so I took the full amount and divided it by the number of blocks in a year. 1yr=5256000 block, 2yr=10512000 block, you can use joyutils to convert. So for me perBlock is 227272.73/5256000 = 0.04324062595. Lastly, as startingBlock ideally put a few blocks into the future from when you are sending the extrinsic. As you can see from the Pioneer screenshot, the vesting was properly applied.

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