Council - the politically selected governance body responsible for managing the proposal system for the benefit of voters.
At the heart of the governance process on the platform is the proposal system, which allows anyone to submit some suggestion for changing the state or policy of the platform in some way. These proposals are processed and voted on by a council, where the participants are referred to as council members. A seat on the council is on through an election process, and lasts for some period of time until a new selection. Now this period is one week.
More information about the Council you can find here.
Elections occur periodically, and each one has a sequence of stages referred to as the election cycle. Stages are: announcing period, voting period and revealing period. Here you can see the number of current elections, period remaining length and the Election stage.
Let's see what the consuls are responsible for:
Elections are held once a week on Thursdays. You can apply by following the link. Applications for elections are accepted within a day from the moment of their opening.
Announcing period