1. Table for the design of the work

<aside> 📎 **https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wEW-edUKKdxoTckmMGTnNYId9du-_ypd2HdeKbzZhYU/edit#gid=1277179909**


Study the tabs in the table before you begin.

sheet 2 - “Information” Here is the first piece of information you need for your work.

Sheet 2 - “Schedule” This is where the dates and curators are assigned to check the videos for certain days of the week.

Subsequent sheets - are weeks, where all video statistics are entered by day.

2. Data output

Once you have decided on the date for which you want to check the video material, copy the template for the data output (info sheet):

<aside> 🛠

{ videos(limit: 10000, where: {createdAt_gt: "2023-05-04", createdAt_lt: "2023-05-05"}) { id title channel { language { iso } title ownerMember { handle controllerAccount } } duration mediaMetadata { size } category { id name } ytVideoId license { code customText attribution createdAt updatedAt } nft { id creatorRoyalty } commentsCount reactionsCount

} }


And paste this command here:

<aside> 👉🏿 http://query.joystream.org/graphql


<aside> 💡 Alternative Link: https://query.joystream.org/graphql


There you go:

Снимок экрана 2022-05-08 в 21.02.52.png

Pay attention to the date: If you want videos for 2022-05-05 - you specify a whole day. Until 2022-05-06. below are the commands you don't need to change, they are needed for the full details of each video. You only change the date. And click on PLAY.

Снимок экрана 2022-05-08 в 21.03.28.png

After that in the right column you will see the output of all videos for the day.

Select and copy this data: (Attention! Strictly: not manually, but with your keyboard - ctrl (windows) or cmd (ios) + A (All), so that all lines are copied exactly!)

Снимок экрана 2022-05-08 в 21.07.38.png

And paste this data into the online converter:

<aside> 👉🏿 https://www.convertcsv.com/json-to-csv.htm


Снимок экрана 2022-05-08 в 21.14.37.png

Below you will see this result. This is the data you need to insert into the worksheet (сopy them):