Start Block: 1857608

End Block: 2073609

1. Current group composition :

2. Budget for the Term

Planned budget: 8646 Joy

Spent budget: 9046 Joy

Purpose: Lead Salary (8646 Joy) + Best Forum Reward (400 Joy)

3. Work status for the Term

4. Forum Statistics Data

Forum Statistics (Last Term)

No. of created threads (last term) 20
No. of deleted threads (last term) 0
No. of created posts (last term) 101
No. of posts deleted (last term) 0
No. of posts moderated (last term) 0
No. of threads on forum (overall) 364
No. of posts on forum (overall) 3493
No. of posts/threads created by forum for user help (last term) 0

Threads 9.png

Posts 9.png