No. of created threads (last term) | 38 |
No. of deleted threads (last term) | 0 |
No. of created posts (last term) | 207 |
No. of posts deleted (last term) | 0 |
No. of threads on forum (overall) | 38 |
No. of posts on forum (overall) | 207 |
No. of posts/threads created by forum for user help (last term) | 1 |
Moderation of threads
Thread ID | Made by | Reason | Block |
N/A |
Moderation of posts
Post ID | Made by | Reason | Block |
N/A |
Categories Deleted
Category ID | Made by | Reason |
17 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
18 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
19 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
20 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
21 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
9 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
28 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
5 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
6 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
11 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
12 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
43 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
24 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
25 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
26 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
27 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
29 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
30 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
31 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
32 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
22 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
23 | Songoku | Arranged categories regarding levels of importance |
Categories Created
Category ID | Made by | Reason |
1 | Songoku | New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream |
2 | Songoku | New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream |
3 | Songoku | New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream |
4 | Songoku | New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream |
5 | Songoku | New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream |
6 | Songoku | New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream |
7 | Songoku | New sub category under Governance category |
8 | Songoku | New sub category under Governance category |
9 | Songoku | New sub category under Governance category |
10 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
11 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
12 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
13 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream DApps category |
14 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream DApps category |
15 | Songoku | New sub category under Technical Discussion category |
16 | Songoku | New sub category under Technical Discussion category |
17 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups category |
18 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups category |
19 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups category |
20 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups category |
21 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups category |
22 | Songoku | New sub category under Governance category |
23 | Songoku | New sub category under Governance category |
24 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups A category |
25 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups A category |
26 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups A category |
27 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups A category |
28 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups B category |
29 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups B category |
30 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups B category |
31 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups B category |
32 | Songoku | New sub category under Working Groups B category |
33 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
34 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
35 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
36 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
37 | Songoku | New sub category under Joystream General category |
38 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Technical) category |
39 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Technical) category |
40 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Technical) category |
41 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Technical) category |
42 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category |
43 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category |
44 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category |
45 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category |
46 | Songoku | New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category |
47 | Songoku | New sub category under Governance category |
Threads moved
Thread ID | Block | Made By | Reason | Old Category # | New Category # |
2 | 411573 | Songoku | In-appropriate categories | 1 | 39 |
16 | 469709 | Songoku | In-appropriate categories | 13 | 1 |
7 | 469799 | Songoku | In-appropriate categories | 4 | 36 |
22 | 485650 | Songoku | In-appropriate categories | 47 | 1 |
Technical Issues on Forum
Github link | Reported by | Status |
---|---|---| | Songoku | N/A |
Sticky Thread Changes in Last Term
Thread ID | Made by | Category |
26 | Songoku | 14 |
Category Archival Status Updated
Category ID | Made by | Reason | Block | New Archival Status |
N/A |
Category Moderator Updated