Forum Statistics (Last Term)

No. of created threads (last term) 38
No. of deleted threads (last term) 0
No. of created posts (last term) 207
No. of posts deleted (last term) 0
No. of threads on forum (overall) 38
No. of posts on forum (overall) 207
No. of posts/threads created by forum for user help (last term) 1

Moderation of threads

Thread ID Made by Reason Block

Moderation of posts

Post ID Made by Reason Block

Categories Deleted

Category ID Made by Reason
17 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
18 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
19 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
20 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
21 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
9 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
28 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
5 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
6 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
11 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
12 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
43 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
24 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
25 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
26 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
27 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
29 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
30 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
31 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
32 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
22 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance
23 Songoku Arranged categories regarding levels of importance

Categories Created

Category ID Made by Reason
1 Songoku New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream
2 Songoku New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream
3 Songoku New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream
4 Songoku New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream
5 Songoku New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream
6 Songoku New main category for mainnet launch of Joystream
7 Songoku New sub category under Governance category
8 Songoku New sub category under Governance category
9 Songoku New sub category under Governance category
10 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
11 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
12 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
13 Songoku New sub category under Joystream DApps category
14 Songoku New sub category under Joystream DApps category
15 Songoku New sub category under Technical Discussion category
16 Songoku New sub category under Technical Discussion category
17 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups category
18 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups category
19 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups category
20 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups category
21 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups category
22 Songoku New sub category under Governance category
23 Songoku New sub category under Governance category
24 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups A category
25 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups A category
26 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups A category
27 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups A category
28 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups B category
29 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups B category
30 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups B category
31 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups B category
32 Songoku New sub category under Working Groups B category
33 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
34 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
35 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
36 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
37 Songoku New sub category under Joystream General category
38 Songoku New sub category under WG (Technical) category
39 Songoku New sub category under WG (Technical) category
40 Songoku New sub category under WG (Technical) category
41 Songoku New sub category under WG (Technical) category
42 Songoku New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category
43 Songoku New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category
44 Songoku New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category
45 Songoku New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category
46 Songoku New sub category under WG (Non-Technical) category
47 Songoku New sub category under Governance category

Threads moved

Thread ID Block Made By Reason Old Category # New Category #
2 411573 Songoku In-appropriate categories 1 39
16 469709 Songoku In-appropriate categories 13 1
7 469799 Songoku In-appropriate categories 4 36
22 485650 Songoku In-appropriate categories 47 1

Technical Issues on Forum

Github link Reported by Status Songoku N/A

Sticky Thread Changes in Last Term

Thread ID Made by Category
26 Songoku 14

Category Archival Status Updated

Category ID Made by Reason Block New Archival Status

Category Moderator Updated