Start Block: 2721612
End Block: 2937613
Planned budget: 8646 Joy
Spent budget: 11839 Joy
Purpose: Lead Salary (11439 Joy) + Best Forum Reward (400 Joy)
# | Pre-Proposals | Link | Author | Creation Date | Last Reply Date | Open Questions/ Analysis | Follow-ups | Update |
1 | Warm-up Community Metrics | | 0x2bc | March 28, 2023 | March 29, 2023 | - This thread is about preparation prior to listing. I think it became inactive due to uncertainty of listing during that time. Now since there is now listing schedule, this thread could be active once again. The author replied this thread can be archived. | | Pre-Proposal was moved to archives |
2 | Financial Limits | | 0x2bc | May 04, 2023 | May 09, 2023 | - Based on comments, this thread seems to be unclear to members. The proposal needs more brainstorming first before being submitted on proposals. | | Author replied they would tackle the issue |
3 | “FAQ Channel” on Discord | | Codefi_keyz | March 28, 2023 | March 28, 2023 | - We asked the author if this pre-proposal will continue. He answered no and it can be archived already. | | Pre-Proposal was moved to archives |
4 | YPP Referral Program | | leet_joy | May 8, 2023 | May 9, 2023 | - Based on last comment, there was an alternative suggestion which will make this pre-proposal unnecessary anymore if followed. We asked the author and he replied that we can archive this thread now. | | Pre-Proposal was moved to archives |
5 | Hire A Business Strategy Manager | | Isonar | Jan. 16, 2023 | Jan. 29, 2023 | - Based on last comment, this pre-proposal seems to be covered by OKRs. | | Pre-Proposal was moved to archives |
6 | New Roles In Discord | | Andromalius | April 28, 2023 | May 1, 2023 | - Based on last comment, this pre-proposal needs more details or context | | Pre-Proposal was moved to archives |
7 | Worker Updates | | | March 12, 2023 | March 13, 2023 | - Based from comment, this pre-proposal is a harder approach | | Author replied they would tackle the issue |
8 | "Leads Scoring System" Discussion | | Codefi_keyz | March 14, 2023 | March 17, 2023 | Open Question: What role do you envision for HR in this process? | | HR lead replied they are working on the issue on another thread |
9 | An Idea To Increase Gateways/Dapps | | Vikan | May 5, 2023 | May 29, 2023 | First open question is, why would football clubs want to join Joystream? Second open question is, can we have football specific gateway? | | Author replied that we can revisit the pre-proposal. He also replied to one of comments. |
10 | Joystream Hackathon | | Chaos77 | March 14, 2023 | May 26, 2023 | Observation: There are comments asking about details of hackathon like definition and reasons for each projects but they were filled up already on PR by so they aren’t open questions anymore. I think the PR is almost complete and we just need to launch hackathon . | | Since market has not been good, priority for now is updating roadmap and utilization of own DAO resources to achieve them |
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