1. 💵 Accounting

Budget at the start of the term: 697.9200 kJOY Budget refilled during the term: 2.0 MtJOY Discretionary spendings: 0 MtJOY Lead rewards: 1.0087 MtJOY Worker rewards: 1.61392 MtJOY Budget at the end of the term: 75.3000 kJOY

2. Group Changes




3. Timesheet *

Work Hours
Lead: Secret_girl 5 h
Deputy: Songoku 4 h
Worker 1: Advo 2 h
Worker 2: Black_Fish 2 h
Worker 3: Counsellor 2 h

4. Bounties for newcomers

5. Notion Board Changes

6. List of completed tasks