Jen4ph, Codefi_keyz, Leet_joy, 0x2bc, Hanzo Hazashi, Vikan, Maria, Mayor Tee, Genius, Bedeho and Songoku

Questions and answers

  1. Host: Should the council work be assessed?

    Codefi: Yes - just like the OKR where we have an assessment the council work should also be assessed.

    LeetJoy: No, the council should not be accessed

    0x2bc: Yes, they should be accessed.

    Hanzo: Don’t see how it could be done …council is the highest authority .so who checks them? To an extent members can check the decisions and write in forum what the think about it…so that might be a form of assessment I guess

    Vikan: Council members should be assessed, there should be a check on the power of any elected officials

    1. Host: One of the three CM has been inactive for a week. What will you do?

    Hanzo: Discuss with other CM and ask in general and bring the issue in the community to dicuss

    Leet: Discuss internally with the other cm, won’t bring the issue in discord and forum

    Codefi: Discuss with other CM, and see how to keep things going in absence of oneCM

    Vikan: discuss with other CM, see if anyone knows why the other CM in unavailable and continue work without the missing CM

    1. Host: Voting on a proposal unfamiliar to the council member

    Hanzo: contact someone who has the knowledge on the proposal

    0x2bc: would find the best knowledgeable person and ask him her about, and ask for a second opinion from other parties who is knowledgeable about it

    codefi: will look on the pre-proposal for any relevant info

    leet_ joy: will vote abstain, will try to do research before voting and consult with knowledgable guys, but still

    vikan: will find someone who understands

    1. Host: Hiring Apps WG lead, or 0x2bc?

    Hanzo: - he has a lot of thoughts and insights

    0x2bc: Skips the question, but if he has a choice he will vote for himself

    Vikan: somebody who is always online and who knows what happening around - James

    Leetjoy: rather not answer, he will allot some time to decide

    Codefi: skips the question - current council

    1. Host: Distribution of work in the council

    leet: Council members choose the tasks they are good at

    Hanzo: According to experience and how well they can execute the work successfully

    0x2bc: all council activities should be covered by council, CMs should do the promises they do during candidacy, do where you do best

    Vikan: decide and distribute the tasks within themselves aside from just fulfilling promises

    codefi: by experience, by what they can do and division of labour also.

    1. Host: How many council members

    Codefi: 3 is good

    VIkan: 3 council members are okay

    0x2bc: 3 CM is fine, based on mainnet experience there was no time there is a problem with 3 council members

    Hanzo: 3 council members are okay

    Leet_joy: Agrees 3 cm is sufficient, but looking in the future as we aim decentralization he is looking at having 5 CMs and reduce approval quorum to 4

    1. Host: Which do you think is better: A Council that works alone and makes decisions independently or a council that works with a team and takes decisions after discussion with other CM based on their opinion?

    Hanzo: Council member who discusses the decisions with co-CMs

    0x2bc: CM on some way must be independent and at the same time do research and that included getting insight from other CMs

    Vikan: 2second option - it is better

    Leetboy: Will got with the second opinion but final decision from own thinking

    Codefi: Teamwork makes the dream work, collective decision is better

    1. Host: Please name 2 qualities a council member should posses

    Vikan: Attentive - responsible for making decisions - we have 5k people in the community the . Hardworking

    Hanzo: Transparent . Should possess technical know how

    Leetjoy: Goal-oriented for the long term succes - Open to the community - always try to gather feedback

    0x2bc: Fair - should have good intentions, can trust and know and who will make good decisions. Smart and energetic - the project is quite complex and council is a high position

    Codefi: Proactive, solution-oriented, critical thinking.

    1. Host: Council having days off and becomes unreachable. Yes or no?

    Hanzo: Yes - 2 days off for other engagements outside Joystream.

    0x2bc: CMs can have day off to have a rest - should be discussed be with other CM about the leave/day off

    Vikan: Dont think CM should have a day off

    Leet joy: Should have days off perhaps 2 days, only in one scenario - 2 council should be online to vote on proposals

    codefi: no need for day offs, 15 days is already too small, CMs who want to rest should not declare at all

    1. Host: Should the council always provide a rationale when voting?

    Leetjoy: No - not always necessary - can be invasion of privacy - depends on CMs discretion

    Codefi: Yes, should come with a rationale

    Vikan: yes - should be able to provide the reason

    0x2bc: depends on the proposal, should provide some details for everyone to understand

    Hanzo: yes for transparency so it will be clear for everyone