Connect with the DAO team and other Creators on Joystream Discord. Introduce yourself to the intros
channel and share the link to your Gleev channel. Selected 5 new joiners every week who do the intros are rewarded with 10 USD paid out in JOY tokens.
Every week 10 best intros from verified new creators joining are rewarded at 10 USD in JOY tokens.
1️⃣ Join Discord
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
2️⃣ Introduce yourself in Intros channel
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
3️⃣ Get verified by our community moderation team by tagging any of @Genius , @Codefikeyz or @vikan and asking for verification and assignment of creator
4️⃣ Check this channel for reward announcements