Basic services

Once the server has been confirmed with me and you have access:

  1. Clone and read readme
  2. Adjust .env as necessary, good idea to use PROCESSOR_INDEXER_GATEWAY= so your processor syncs faster. Remember to set ELASTIC_USERNAME and ELASTIC_PASSWORD
  3. Start services from readme
  4. Confirm processor is syncing

Distribution node

Once you have:

  1. processor sync in progress
  2. collector and metricbeat up
  3. caddy up and online

It’s time to prepare your distributor config, accept bucket invitations and set metadata. will be very helpful!

  1. Adjust following values from example config:
    1. Set id as you please. You can see current ones here:
    2. Your QN is not synced yet so use external for now: endpoints.queryNode:
    3. Same with your Joystream node: endpoints.joystreamNodeWs: wss://
    4. Uncomment full logs.elastic section and supply with your credentials
    5. Adjust - the higher the better, but you need to reserve at least 200GB for chain+QN data and 100GB for system.
    6. Change operatorApi.hmacSecret to a long randomized string.
    7. Set your workerId
    8. Also make sure your role key exported as JSON is at path specified in keys.keyfile. /keystore mounted inside container maps to DISTRIBUTOR_KEYSTORE_VOLUME in .env
  2. Next you will need to accept bucket invitation I’ve sent, check Accepting invitation in linked doc, use your own bucket and worker IDs.
  3. Lastly, you need to set your on-chain operator metadata. This is also shown in the doc. You can find my metadata.json here: Adjust for yourself.
  4. Now you should be good to launch your distributor container. Check the logs to confirm no errors and check /distributor/api/v1/status. Initial sync may take even 10-15 minutes so give it some time.