1. Council composition
2**. Previous Council's Recommendations**
Pending Signal proposals: Finalize and submit for voting
- Conduct necessary research and discussions to increase YPP program adoption among creators through introducing a referral program, where every community member can refer a content creator from YouTube and receive payment from the council budget.
- Push forward initiatives relating to gateways, such as YPP policies for l1.media, and the DAO-owned gateway concept.
Apps WG lead
- Source a high-caliber App WG Lead to replace the current lead
- Hold a kickoff meeting with the newly-hired App WG to set up the roadmap, scope of work, and OKRs.
- WG Reports:WG should include information in their reports regarding the difference between WG+worker salaries and WG spending for the term.
- WG Reports:WG should also include information regarding the difference between the planned WG budget and WG actual spending.
- Council Reports:Council should provide statuses and degrees of achievement for all quarter reports in their reports.
Other recommendations
- Finalize testing of the JOY tip bot and add it to production
- Contribute to the block explorer roadmap and ensure adequate incentives are put in place to find a person or team to begin development
- Monitor the progress of the Monitoring Tools in the SWG and DWG: basically DWG is performing well with new tooling dev, but SWG need an additional push
- Create ideas to increase the number of validators
- Enhance the quality of conversations in the Telegram chat, guiding the HRWG in promoting on-chain activities and DAO opportunities
- Supervise the MWG for the 3rd sprint of the Zealy Campaign, designing tasks to target specific audiences and meet desired outcomes
3**. Analysis of Previous Council's Report**
From the Term Report of the previous council, we can draw several conclusions and they are as follows: