What event is this?”

Event name User Study for Joystream
Location Google Meet
Description/Instructions Thank you for your interest in our study. You don't have to prepare anything upfront. Make sure you're in a relatively quiet place, are using a PC or a Mac, and have a stable internet connection. During the meeting you might be asked to share your screen having browser opened, so make sure to close the unnecessary apps or tabs and that none of your personal information is visible on your screen.
Event link joystream

When can people book this event?”

Date range Based on your availability
Duration 30 min (or other, based on your needs)
Want to add time before or after your events? After event → 30 min

<aside> 💡 Note, that Calendly has access to your calendar and won’t let others book a meeting overlapping with an already existing event in your calendar.


“Additional options”

Invitee Questions

Question Answer Type Required
What is your Joystream wallet number? This is where we’ll transfer tJOYs as a thank you for participating in our study. One Line No
What is your Joystream member ID? One Line No
What is your Joystream member handle? One Line No
What is your Discord handle? One Line No