Report of the group of curators. Term 23

1. Group Composition

Worker ID Member handle Role
0 igrex WG Lead
1 kira_skipper Content Curator On Gleev
7 mikasa Curator
9 Omer_OzdemirTR Deputy Lead Curator
10 firuz89 Curator
12 tes_hsn Curator
11 prontera Content Curator On Gleev

2. Group Budget

JOY/USDT EMA30: 0,039 USDT (Message in Discord)

Item USDT (planned) USDT (actual) JOY (planned) JOY (actual)
igrex 1272.24 1600.56 41040.00 41040.00
kira_skipper 1000.00 1258.06 34482.76 32258.06
mikasa 300.00 377.42 10344.83 9677.42
Omer_OzdemirTR 600.00 754.84 20689.66 19354.84
firuz89 300.00 377.42 10344.83 9677.42
tes_hsn 300.00 377.42 10344.83 9677.42
prontera 1250.00 1572.58 43103.45 40322.58
5022.24 6318.30 170350.34 162007.74

Curator Workload:

Curator non-YPP YPP Total
Ahmet 318 11914 12232
Hasan 346 21490 21836
Mikasa 290 7999 8289
Omer 601 19509 20110
Prontera 502 12183 12685
Skipper 267 6260 6527
Total 2324 79355 81679

Content curator on Gleev Prontera checked 3005 channels under the YPP program for the entire period, more then previous terms. Content curator on Gleev Kira checked 2012 channels under the YPP program.

The number of unverified YPP channels is being reduced. As of 28.11.2023 at 14:00 UTC, there were 415 unverified channels remaining.

3. Group tasks

First priority:

Second priority: