Hiring success, new internal incentives system. Meeting with Dmitry Meltsov on Apr 22nd.
WG received no funding this term.
Salaries spendings: 2,190,145 tJOY
Budget remainder at the end of Term: 10,215,284 tJOY
When paying workers, I use the following relation of tJOY to dollar: 1,000 tJOY = 1$ and the basic hourly rate of $30/h. For example, if a worker logged 2h of their working time spent on tasks, it is reasonable to assume that the debt of wages for them is equal to 60,000 tJOY.
Hired user polikosi as QA. Onboarding in process, slowed down significantly by three-days validators misbehaviour.
no firings this term
The issue https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/744 is under internal review.
Issue https://github.com/Joystream/pioneer/issues/2793 is in progress.
Issue https://github.com/Joystream/pioneer/pull/2853 is in Merged, task is passed QA.
Issue https://github.com/Joystream/pioneer/issues/2838 is in Review