Important notes:



  1. cushion price - The USD exchange price that we anticipate to be a possible low price. It is nearly impossible to fully predict something like this, but it should be set lower than the current market price to give the replenishment rate some cushion.
    1. I recommend we target 0.02 for this. The current price is about 0.027
  2. USD weekly budget target - The USD weekly budget target price the DAO aims to realistically spend. This should include council, worker and WG lead payments as well as any other expenses that the DAO pays (such as market liquidity, marketing expenses, incentive programs, exchange listing fees, partnership fees, grants etc). This should not include validator rewards.
    1. This is open to discussion but I think should be an average of the past few terms spending—there is obviously some interest in lowering various budgets and costs but we are not targeting a “perfect increment amount” with this strategy
  3. buffer - Some % value above cushion price * USD weekly budget target.
    1. I recommend between 10-20%
  4. min % target & max % target - These two parameters are the % of the total supply we should aim to have the treasury be at at any given time. In the event either of these are breached the council should either look at executing a burning event or conducting a review to adjust the replenishment rate.
    1. I suggest we choose a target here of 1.5-2.5%
