1. Go to dwg-production and stop prometheus and node-exporter. Those containers will not be used anymore: docker compose down -v prometheus node-exporter

  2. Update repo URL: git remote set-url origin [<https://github.com/joyutils/dwg-production.git>](<https://github.com/joyutils/dwg-production.git>)

  3. Fetch latest repo changes: git pull origin main

  4. Modify .env:

    1. Change ENABLE_TELEMETRY to yes
    2. Add ELASTIC_URL=https://elastic.joyutils.org:443
    3. Add ELASTIC_USERNAME and ELASTIC_PASSWORD - use the same values as in distributor config
    4. Add NODE_ID - use the same value as id in distributor config
  5. Modify you distributor config:

    1. Remove id - this is now passed via env variable
    2. In logs.elastic section leave only level field. Other values will be passed via env:
        level: http
  6. Stop services that need to update:

    1. docker compose down graphql-server
    2. docker compose down distributor
  7. Start everything:

    1. docker compose up -d collector
    2. docker compose up -d metricbeat
    3. docker compose up -d graphql-server
    4. docker compose up -d distributor