Blocks: 1,252,800 - 1,382,400
Term Start: 0x743dfac06692c45704f97ce7601b104b9bf87de668589cad6ccbd949b1193537
Term End: 0xff9143bcf1f5ba78d4cb76e45bfc3b213b2dc0306775a44a307be0b75b701695
Budget at the start of the term: 36.2670 MJOY Workers rewards: 10,310,795 tJOY Treasury refill: 24 MtJOY ( Discretionary spendings: 18.02 MtJOY (See breakdown below) Rationale for this - to celebrate the Team success of reaching the high score and to motivate workers even more. Budget at the end of the term: 31.9359 MJOY
Detailed payouts breakdown:
Additional payment:
react dev
(longflex) - hired as a result of successful completion of a Bounty.
Unfortunately, none of the followed up prospects interviewed during Term 12 responded.