Blocks: 1051200 - 1152000

Working Group Score key points (a.k.a Summary)

💵 Accounting of how much was spent on what.

Budget at Term start: 28.0948M tJOY

Wages paid (including Lead’s self-hire): 11,912,710 tJOY

Budget received: 12M tJOY

Discretionary spendings: none

Budget at Term end: 28.1M tJOY

Detailed Payouts breakdown - see Payouts document.

Actual hires made

opening created: #21

opening cancelled: #10 (no QA needed at this time)

Hired user kazuyanomura

Actual slashes imposed


Actual firings were done

no firings made this week.

Propose a set of bounties that newcomers can tackle.

Dev bounty created: